Country Wiki
IDEA logo
Formed 1988
Offices 1 Duithers Str., Koningstad, Brunant

Noble City, Lovia (reg. office)
Bonaire Beach, Pintona (reg. office)

President Lucas Horne

The International Development and Education Agency (IDEA; in Dutch: Agentschap voor Internationale Ontwikkeling en Onderwijs) is an independent governmental agency that coordinates Brunanter financial and technical aid throughout IWO and other nations. Idea is headed by a president, currently Lucas Horne.


IDEA was officially founded in 1988 as a governmental organization. IDEA has been involved in aid programs for North Africa and Eastern Europe since the 1990s. In the 2000s IDEA began sending aid to wikinations around the world, including Pintona and Lovia.

Idea currently has three offices. The main headquarters is located in Koningstad, but IDEA has regional offices in both Lovia and Pintona.

Recent projects[]

  • (Bosnia-Herzegovina and Croatia, 1996-1999): sending educators to these Balkan countries to assist teachers in restarting public education.
  • Education Initiative (Pintona, 2002-2005): setting up high-standard teaching programs to provide teachers with better skills and a higher level of education for students, working with the Pintonan Ministry of Education.
  • Lovian mission (2011-2013): providing financial and personnel aid to the country in order to rebuild infrastructure following the civil war.

Presidents of IDEA[]
